So...this is awkward. It's been a while....

I'm considering delving back into this now that I can commit to it again. This is more for curiosity-would anyone perhaps still be interested if I decided to continue posting to this blog?

It's been years, and I'm not so angsty anymore. Going through old posts made me cringe at the writing-but the comments made me realize that this blog was special.

I still get a considerable amount of traffic per month. So, please-If anyone would be willing to leave a comment, let me know if I should revamp and start up again! I loved the dialogue created here.


Gilbert said…
I think it's nice to look at your old posts and see how you have matured, I cringe when I look at my earliest posts as well, contemplated deleting them but decided not to.

Whether you should continue really depends on whether you still have the interest to continue. I myself pretty much stopped a while back. Somehow it gets harder as you get older. ;)
dazmando said…
It does get harder. I also stopped blogging. Although I did find this blog very interesting
YogiYula said…
I have waited for about a decade to see a black woman blog about metal. I tried it myself, but got discouraged. Keep up the good work.
YogiYula said…
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Anonymous said…
Just clicked on this bookmark to see if the blog was even still up. Would love if you started posting again.
obsenka said…
It has been a while, but if it means anything, your blog really helped me out several years ago! I just decided to search for it today and I'm glad it still exists. I'd love if you started posting again c:
Robin said…
Please do post again when you can and find the inspiration! I'm an Asian female into metal and I would love to hear more about your experiences.
TheMadIsraeli said…
Your writing was always superb as slightly cringey as it may have been. You should start up again. Good metal bloggers are honestly rare, especially ones riveting to read.

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