Subculture Adaptation?
I've been enjoying my break and this is why I have not posted anything in quite a bit (just in case my few, but appreciated readers wanted to know where I was).
While reading comments from a past post, I was inspired to go into an aspect of this whole 'subculture' thing. An anonymous poster (sorry to call you out) brought up an interesting question. He/she asked why a black girl would be interested in Black metal or even more particularly-what he/she was basically asking-music that draws roots from traditional European instruments as well as having a heavy focus on European folklore, culture, language, etc.
I understand the question but it still never ceases to amaze me that black folks are always but into 'the box' and there is no way of getting out of the box even if the people in in consider you out. Let me explain-
The box is EVERYTHING that has to do traditionally with black culture-be it African American or just African. The contents of this box is the black community. The dilemma I'm trying to point out is that every other race is given an opportunity to have some wiggle room in the box. I mean that there are Asian b-boys, Latino metal heads, and white folks into reggae all over the world- my point is that this is considered acceptable and normal.
But if a black person is into anything outside of that suffocating box it's weird or unique. Why is it strange to take an interest in another culture? Or for that matter, subculture? Tons of people of other races travel and explore this giant planet and listen to different music, eat foods, learn the history and language but we somehow aren't allowed because the media portrays us as not being culturally inclined?
Can't I be proud of my nationality and race yet take an interest in the music and culture of another? I think differences are cool and interesting and I've always hated being predictable so I look outside to better understand who I am.
I'm not one of those people who hate who they are and where they come from and are desperate to adapt so much to another culture that they become like them or totally slander their own and that's what I seem to get from a lot of people who don't know me or my views.
I'm not in denial-I'm just interested.
And I refuse to deny what interest me.
Whether it fits in your box or not.
I think the problem is that everyone else seems to be allowed a sort of individuality in their communities that us black folks aren't allowed because we will ALWAYS be whatever we get labeled or filed under in that box.
When will I and the millions of us just be individuals instead of 'that black girl/guy'?
@Ky-Yes! There are tons who want to be different but can't or have to hide it. And it's because of this corporate mindfuck of a country that wants to imprison our individuality. Keep fighting.
@Classical 1-Hopefully I'm not the last one you'll meet.
I have a question :
Don’t you think that if black people don’t have a lot of individuality, it is because they are minority ? Don’t they need solidarity, and not marginality ?
Yes, the mainstream "metal" bands who are starting to promote women in metal a little more equally, usually only show skinny, pretty, white girls (some of them a European, some American). But keep looking. There are actually a good number of metal bands out there with Black, Hispanic, Middle Eastern, and even Japanese girls singing or playing in them.
If you live in the states, check out what some of us a doing to promote a greater variety of female fronted metal -