There Can Only Be One...

I realized I haven't posted in quite a while so I decided to post today about something I find disturbing (In my experiences). So, recently-whenever I go to shows-if there is another black girl there, I get the up down look then cold treatment. It's very strange to me because whenever I see someone of the same race at shows I always want to compulsively talk to them but then I feel awkward because its the whole 'I'm black-your black' thing that sets me back. But most recently I find other black women at shows to really dislike me or seem to at least and I can't figure out why so I boiled it down to one fact. Apparently there can only be one 'unique' black girl at a concert. I don't so much get this with black guys. I always found it strange because I feel comradery more than anything else and feel that the black female metalhead is such a small community that there needs to be some sense of unity within it-but alas-girls will be girls and we always have to compare ourselves to each other to make up some idiotic sense of self worth to feel good about ourselves. I went to a friends party where I thought I was going to be the only black person there but there was also one other black girl. I was wearing an Opeth shirt that my boyfriend had let me borrow and the girl went up to me and said she dug my shirt. I thanked her and told her it wasn't my own and that my bf had gotten it at a show and she huffed and said she hated me then walked away. I will forever be confused by that. Mind you-that was just one girl but still when I go to concerts I get the silent treatment when I smile at other black females.
Has anyone else gotten this feeling of animosity from other black girls at shows? Or is this all in my head?


UWAB said…
Uhm. Yea. It's annoying and a bit comical. My "fave" is the whole "I'm more goth/punk/hip/gangsta/exotic/metalheadery black girl than you, so step off and dig your own scene" type shit.
Lol, exactly! I'm glad I'm not the only one. Welcome to the blog Jenny Taelyah.
Anonymous said…
Exactly, Jenny.

There can only be one of us. We're supposed to be exotic little tokens or something else self-injuring.

U N I T Y.

Btw, would either of you want to go to DragonCon09 with me?
Anonymous said…
Those "I'm soooo original" types irk the shit out of me too. Finding a common bond with someone is a good thing. No one person is truly original, unless they can sprout a tail & antennas. :P They need to get over themselves. While I don't blend in too much with people in my city, I refuse to play the token role.
Anonymous said…
I've been to DragonCon before. It's only a few hours away from me. It has something for everyone. I'm sure you'll like it. Even if you don't dress up, just seeing others in cosplay is fun.
Esque said…
Woooo, I'm still a concert/con virgin, so I'll let you know how that goes, but having watched AfroPunk Doc it seems pretty common, especially when both are the same sex.

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